to Frequently Asked Questions |
is a Virtual Server? |
We specialize in virtual servers which
means that you can find a home for your web site on our web servers and
establish a presence on the internet. We can help register your own domain
name which will become your unique address on the World Wide Web. Having
your own domain name does not reveal that you are renting web space, and,
since email can be addressed to your domain (eg. WWW.YOURNAME.COM ) you
will not have to announce a new email address if you change internet providers.
And, with a domain name you can transfer your web presence at any time
and never lose your identity since you can take your www.yourname.com with
I be able to access my domain name with or without the WWW? |
Yes, you will be able to access the domain
name with or without the WWW in front. For example, you could access the
domain name "mydomain.com" by going to "www.mydomain.com" as well as "mydomain.com".
you offer dial-up internet access? |
No, you will need local Internet access
in order to maintain your web site and retrieve email addressed to your
site. We endorse and reccomend several dial-up ISPs for this service. Providing
a specialized Virtual Server service means that we do not have hundreds
of modems to maintain enabling us to devote more time to our customers
and to the addition of enhancements to the entire system.
you support MS Frontpage extensions? |
Yes, We do support Front Page Users. Just
let us know you need Frontpage support so we can install the necessary
you offer web page design services? |
Yes, we do offer complete web page and
web site design services through our group of talented designers and developers.
We are primarily in the business of web hosting and system administration.
If you would like to contact one or more of them to discuss design and
pricing, please, contact sales@websitedoc.com
I upgrade to another account? |
Yes. You can upgrade at any time with
payment of the setup fee for your new account. We will also give you any
monthly rental credit toward your new virtual server.
I upgrade from to FrontPage later? |
Of course. Our hosting machines are designed
to make it easy to upgrade or expand your account at any time.
I upgrade to a larger account later? |
Yes, our services are easily upgradeable
expandable at any time.
I check domain name availability? |
Yes. You can check
domain availability direct from our web site.
PageManager.Com handle domain registration? |
PageManager.Com will register new domain
names for you. If you have an existing domain we will assist
in getting your domain and website transferred to our servers. There
is usually about a 72 hour propagation period where visitors could go to
either site. During the propagation period persons accessing your
site will be going to both sites until all are accessing the new site.
I transfer existing domain name to you? |
Yes. Whether you place an order by telephone
or via our online
order form, be sure to specify that you are requesting a transfer and
NOT a new domain. You should keep the service at the present site while
waiting for Internic to complete the transfer. We will provide you with
a temporary IP address so you can mirror the site on our server. All email
and web pages will still be accessed from the current site.
long does it take before my domain name is active? |
Once the your domain name has been registered
(or transferred, if applicable), it usually takes about 72-hours before
it is active. All internet providers must update their records (DNS tables)
to reflect new site locations. This is called propagation.
is the fee for domain registration ? |
Domains with .com, .net, or .org
extensions cost $20 year for a new domain name.
there a limit to the number of hits I can receive each month? |
No. Our experience has shown that 300MB/month
is more than enough bandwidth for 99% of all websites and we use it as
a bench mark. Depending on the quantity and size of your files, 1000MB
could support many thousands of hits per week. If your site begins to exceed
several gigabytes of data transfer each month, we will contact you about
upgrading so performance doesn't suffer.
do I transfer files to my web site? |
Files must be transferred to the web server
via File Transport Protocol (FTP). If you have a PPP internet account and
need FTP software, you can download
a program for either the PC or Mac from our site. Internet providers such
as AOL, Compuserve, and Prodigy may have a built-in FTP interface. An FTP
tutorial is available for first time users.
I have unlimited access to update my pages ? |
You have unlimited access via FTP 24-hours
a day. As such, you can create and maintain your web pages on your own
computer and upload files to your web site at your leisure.
multiple domains point to the same HTML files ? |
In general, if you have more than one
domain account at PageManager.Com we can point each domain address to the
same HTML files. Yes there is a $39.00 fee to mirror sites.
I use my account for commercial purposes ? |
Yes, you can use your account for commercial
purposes. The World Wide Web has become a most efficient and cost-effective
means of making information, products and services available to the users
of the internet community. With a PageManager.Com Virtual Server secure
processing is available FREE, which provides an environment whereby payment
information (such as a credit card number) or confidential information
(such as a custom form) can be transmitted from web browser to web server
in an encrypted mode. Look for the solid key for secure transaction liscencing.
I resell space within my own account ? |
Yes. You can resell space within your
account. However, you will be responsible for its content and data transfer.
A Small Business Domain will only allow you to resell subdirectories. If
you are going to resell you will probably eventually want a Corporate Site
which is a much more powerful solution that allows you to partition cgi
and ftp directories for your customers as well as partiton virtual hosting
directories. You can also resell accounts at whatever price you choose.
We will bill you our fees and you can charge your customer what you wish.
you accept international orders ? |
Yes. We are pleased to have customers
around the world and we're as close as your computer. If desired, we can
host non-US domain name extensions.
long has PageManager.Com been in business ? |
PageManager.Com has been in business since
1996 and is serving a number of active websites. Our staff consists of
experienced web technicians, professional system administrators and talented
group of designers.
contract and payment terms are available? |
We bill in monthly increments for Small
Business and Corporate accounts and quarterly for standard users and do
not require a minimum contract beyond the initial set-up and first month
fee. We accept personal and business checks. Email us if you
wish to wire transfer as you form of payment.
you offer technical support to customers ? |
Yes. We encourage our customers to send
email to support@pagemanager.com
with questions or concerns about their web site. We are relatively quick
to respond to support email up to about 11pm EST on week days. If we cannot
offer a solution to a concern within a reasonable timeframe, we will invite
you to call us or we'll call you directly.
long does it take to set up a new account ? |
Orders for servers will be configured
within 24 hours, and most times will be done the same day. Once an account
is set up an activation notice will be sent you via email including a userid,
password, and FTP hostname. You can begin uploading files to your new web
site immediately. Domain account users will be given a temporary URL to
access their site via the web prior to the completion of either domain
registration or transfer.
do I place an order ? |
You can place an order for a Virtual Server
account directly from our web site 24 hours a day, by emailing sales@pagemanager.com,
or by calling (828) 586-6189 between the hours of 11 am to 11pm Monday
through Friday EST.
do the errorcodes mean? |
100 Continue
101 Switching Protocols
200 OK
201 Created
202 Accepted
203 Non-Authoritative Information
204 No Content
205 Reset Content
206 Partial Content
300 Multiple Choices
301 Moved Permanently
302 Moved Temporarily
303 See Other
304 Not Modified
305 Use Proxy
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Time-Out
409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 Length Required
412 Precondition Failed
413 Request Entity Too Large
414 Request-URI Too Large
415 Unsupported Media Type
500 Server Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Out of Resources
504 Gateway Time-Out
505 HTTP Version not supported
type of encryption algorithm do I use for PGP(tm)? |
WebsiteDoc.Com supports RSA encryption. PGP version 5.0 should visit PGP(tm)FAQ
page. We do not currently support DSS/Diffie-Hellman encryption keys.
For more information should you wish to take advantage of secure server
options, email davis@websitedoc.com.